We offer custom software and hardware solutions for laboratory and factory data acquisition through our affiliate, Acquired Data Solutions, Inc., in Alexandria, Virginia. ADS, Inc. is a professional engineering services and software development company with the experience and know-how essential to develop complex data acquisition and control systems. We use the latest sensor technology including vision, spectral, RF, biological, chemical and mechanical sensors. We build state-of-the-art data acquisition systems and test stands. And we network data to existing IT systems or we create new networks. As a full service systems integrator ADS offers a variety of services, some of which include: Software development Data acquisition Process automation Database and spreadsheet design and development Statistical process control (SPC) LAN installation and support Hardware development Custom microprocessor-based devices Signal conditioning Sensor networks Sensor and appliance integration Machine vision and robotics Machining and fabrication Product development testing (i.e., circuit, functional, final) Automated quality control test stands System implementation, support and training
Terriss and its associated companies -- LSE, Inc., Acquired Data Solutions, Inc. (ADS), MasterCraft Stainless Fabrications, Inc. and Olympic Tool Company -- provide experience and expertise in designing custom instrument and control systems. Tell us what you need and we would be glad to make recommendations and give you a quote. Mix And Match Components. 1. Software 2. SmartIDCom 3. Network hardware 4. Stand-alone instruments 5. SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab 1. SmartLab Software. A proprietary implementation of National Instrument's LabVIEW, it's a fully integrated, windows-based software package for the plant and laboratory. It contains simple, highly graphical operator interfaces and pull down menus. Data is automatically collected from instruments and sensors. It vividly displays real-time data from four or more instruments or sensors on one screen. Switch buttons access screens for other instruments and sensors. The real-time graphs automatically adjust their axis' and control lines (target, upper and lower control limits) for the data displayed. SmartLab archives data as it is collected. Using Microsoft Access, the program generates quick and accurate reports with SPC statistics and graphs. SmartLab is supported at the customers site via modem. Help is only a telephone call away. 2. SmartIDcom. This unit directs stand-alone instrument data to the proper data base by tagging the data with numeric codes that represent sample identification or other meaningful information. 3. Network Hardware. In today's laboratory and factory environment, network hardware is the easiest and most robust way to interconnect computers, sensors and instruments. The choice of which hardware to use depends on a number of factors. 1. Physical environment 2. Number and types of interconnections 3. Existing networks in the facility 4. Data throughput and transmission speed required 4. Stand-alone Instruments. Many instrument systems (on-line and in the laboratory) are available to meet a variety of testing requirements. These systems may be tied directly to the computer through RS232, USB or network communications. 5. SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab Many data acquisition and control requirements are best handled by a computer-based system. The SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab in a "starter" configuration incorporates a 24-relay board (any mix of VAC and VDC) for controling valves, pumps, actuators, automatic buret/titrator, etc. The data acquisition board (ISA) has a 16 bit resolution and accepts 8 single-ended or 4 differential analog inputs (16 single-ended and 8 differential in the PCI version). Additional boards (either relay or acquisition) can be installed for expanded capability. In addition an IO expansion board permits up to 16 RS232 lines to be connected to the unit. See Measurement/Control, PC-Based, SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab for detailed information. |
The SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab (USB)
is a turnkey solution to a variety of measurement and process control problems. The system is modular and flexible. It uses the computer's USB port to acquire data from sensors and to control appliances. Where physical space is limited, or where a number of different kinds of tests are required on the same sample, the unit is efficient and economical. A computer-based instrument module permits different kinds of tests to be sequenced, actuated and integrated. Plus, process control functions can be incorporated easily. The unit includes: A computer, monitor, keyboard and mouse A sensor/realy module (USB) for acquiring data from up to 8 sensors, plus control with up to 12 relays for activating electrical appliances like valves and pumps. Diagnostic software. The unit also incorporates one or more automatic buret/titrator(s) so that it may be used to automate a variety of wet chemistry methodologies. For component pricing see Measurement/Control/PC-Based, SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab, Repl. Parts. SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab Standard Sensors Pressure Temperature pH Oxygen (polaragraphic, galvanic, paramagnetic or zirconium oxide) Carbon Dioxide (NIFR) Conductivity Humidity Methane Flow Proximity Others (e.g. any of the ion-selective electrode family of sensors) Standard electrical appliances Solenoid Valves Pumps Stirrers Automatic Buret/Titrators Heating/Cooling Software Options Data acquistiion from near or remote analog sensors Analog sensor calibration Data acquisition from near or remote instruments Manual input of data Real time data display Data archiving (in Ascii or MS Access files) Custom reporting (printed or electronic) Process control decision-making (set points, alarms, etc.) Remote display Remote telephonic access Computer Specifications WindowsXP 20 GB HDR, 3.5" FDR and CDROM DR 2 MB Video Memory 1 USB and 1 Parallel Port Keyboard, Bus Mouse and 15" Monitor Diagnostic Software This software package, which comes with every unit, permits the user to read voltages from up to 8 sensors and control 4 - 120 VAC and 8 - 24 VAC appliances. Custom Software (ADS InstruPak) ADS InstruPak is a proprietary implementation of National Instruments' LabVIEW. The software has a highly graphical user interface which allows operators to key in test parameters or choose them from pull down menus. Data acquisition from any number of sensors is displayed in real time as voltages. The final results are converted into engineering units, displayed and saved as separate ASCII files or in a MS Access data base. Calibration routines are incorporated into each test screen. By combining data acquisition and precise syringe pump control the software can convert manual wet chemistry tests into automated tests. Sensor/Relay Module (USB) The Sensor/Relay Module (USB) has the general purpose utility required for any kind of instrumentation, analysis, synthesis, logging, etc. It can take 8 single-ended or 4 differential analog inputs and digitize them to a 12 bit resolution. The module has the capability to input and output 8 lines of digital signals. It can do electronic counting and timing. It can monitor time based external events and also trigger external events based on timed requirements. Sensors Inputs: 8 analog on DB-9 connectors Digital signaling: 4 bit in/4 bit out Signal input range: +/-5 volts (or +/-10 volts in PCI version) Signal resolution: 12 bits Sensor drive power: + 5VDC , +12 VDC, - 12 VDC Power: 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 100 watts. Relays The unit can drive up to 4 VAC (1.5 A per load) and 8 VDC (3.5 A per load) electrical loads. It can drive higher loads based on upgrades of the power supplies and wiring. With this capability the SmarTesterPC Mini-Lab (USB) can control valves, pumps, stirrers, etc. in any instrument system. Auto-Buret/Titrator The precision syringe pump is controlled by digital signals from the Sensor I/O Console. The operator selects the end point (pH or color) and titration steps. The pump has 48,000 motor steps for excellent precision and repeatability. |
Measurement/Control, PC-Based, SmarTsterPC M-Lab, Repl. Part |
Click on picture for a larger view |
SmartIDcom, a small micro-processor interface, links the computer and a test instrument. The operator simply enters the proper code into SmartIDcom before running the test. SmartIDcom directs the instrument data to the proper database by appending the data with numeric codes that represent sample identification or other meaningful information. A LED on SmartIDcom displays a verification code that confirms that data was properly processed by the computer. Common uses for these codes might include: product, line, container, flavor, batch, operator,identification, shift, sample, removal time. What can SmartIDcom do for you? You're testing different products (for example flavor, container, production line, plant, whatever) on the same instrument. How does the computer identify the sample when the test results are transmitted to it? Simply put, it doesn't. The operator has to go over to the computer and key in the sample identification. Why? Because most laboratory instruments have no capacity to transmit sample identification or other important information to the computer, unless they incorporate an on-board computer. SmartIDcom takes care of this sample identification for you. |
The SmarTesterPC for dissolved oxygen solves many of the problems associated with measuring oxygen in liquids, particularly those that are not flowing or that have suspended solids in them. Why are on-line dissolved oxygen measurements difficult to do well? Oxygen sensors in liquid can be fouled by suspended solids and are subject to chemicals that cause interferences. Oxygen sensors are temperature dependent. If they are immersed in liquid, the temperature of the sensor reflects the temperature of the liquid, which can be changing, sometimes rapidly. Most dissolved oxygen sensors require liquid flow to prevent a "blanket" of de-oxygenated liquid from introducing false readings. Most dissolved oxygen sensors are calibrated in air (for example in the atmosphere at 20.9% oxygen) and then used to make low level measurements in liquid. This can introduce calibration error. Most dissolved oxygen sensors have to be pulled out of the system for maintenance or replacement causing operational down-time. These sensors must be calibrated manually. Since sensor calibration is sufficiently time-consuming and costly in terms of down-time, it is not performed often enough to provide any assurance that the sensor is calibrated properly. Operators that test for oxygen at various points in their system never know if all their oxygen sensors are calibrated the same way. If there is drift in one or more sensors, the operator isn't aware of it between calibration checks. If these problems with on-line dissolved oxygen measurements concern you, consider how theSmarTester's unique features address these problems. The sensor never touches the liquid so there is no fouling. Potential interferences in the liquid cannot affect the sensor, including temperature gradients or rapidly changing temperature. (Since the sensor is not in the liquid, it is not affected by liquid temperature.) The sensor can be replaced or pulled for maintenance without affecting on-going operations. One sensor can be used for testing liquids automatically from multiple sources. As a result all testing is done with one sensor and one calibration. The SmarTester can be situated in your laboratory or close to the liquid source. The sensor can be calibrated in place. Calibration is automatic. You can check the calibration and/or recalibrate as often as you like. Calibration records can be part of your dissolved oxygen measurement records. The calibration standard -- air from the atmosphere -- is authoritative and repeatable. However, since small injections of air are used to calibrate the sensor, the calibration is more precise. There is never any question as to whether your sensor or system is in calibration. The SmarTester dissolved oxygen monitoring system meets the exacting requirement for low level oxygen measurements. The system utilizes "Clark" cell polarographic sensor technology plus proprietary electronics and software. Other sensors are available, galvanic and zirconium oxide. Sensor accuracy and repeatability: +/- 0.01 mg/ltr. System accuracy and repeatability: +/- 0.1 mg/ltr. The design of the unit represents a sophisticated blend of concept and application. It incorporates: Long established testing methodology Proven electronic and mechanical technology Long-term reliability and ease of on-site maintenance Ease of calibration RS232 communication capability The SmarTester is available in a variety of sensor configurations. In addition to oxygen these include pressure, temperature, flow, conductivity, pH, carbon dioxide or any other parameter for which there is an electronic sensor. The unit can be integrated with other instruments through the use of the LS/QA System Controller into one automated testing module. |